Niv Borsuk Wiht Friends

Niv Borsuk Wiht Friends

When we honestly ask ourselves which person in our lives means the most to us, we often find that it is those who, instead of giving advice, solutions, or cures, have chosen rather to share our pain and touch our wounds with a warm and tender hand.A friendship can weather most things and thrive in thin soil; but it needs a little mulch of letters and phone calls and small, silly presents every so often – just to save it from drying out completely.

Niv Borsuk Face Expiration

My definition of an intellectual is someone who can listen to the William Tell Overture without thinking of the Lone Ranger.all means let’s be open-minded, but not so open-minded that our brains drop out.
Everybody knows how to raise children, except the people who have them.
I am not afraid of death, I just don’t want to be there when it happens.

niv borsuk



Man learns through experience, and the spiritual path is full of different kinds of experiences. He will encounter many difficulties and obstacles, and they are the very experiences he needs to encourage and complete the cleansing process.A woman’s life can really be a succession of lives, each revolving around some emotionally compelling situation or challenge, and each marked off by some intense experience.


niv borsuk